Saturday, November 21, 2009

Back on the Mooring at North Passage

Getting back was uneventful except that it was horrendously demoralising bashing into swell and waves that I should have been running with and streaking east to NZ. All day the wind has continued to blow North and North westerly, and is strong. So what now?

Well first I need to find out what went wrong. I've had one stroke of luck - the guy on the boat next door is a sailing school instructor from Mooloolaba and he's already offered to come over in the morning and hoist me up the mast so I can see what's happened up there and bring the halyard back to deck. It could be just another shackle - a different one from the one that broke last time - or else he says maybe somethings happened to the drum, which is a wheel shaped unit that the top of the sail is attached to by those shackles. If it is broken I will have to get parts flown over before it could be fixed. If its just a shackle it will be fixed tomorrow.

Next I have to decide if I should keep going or back off and return Sapphire to her mooring at Five Dock. What impresses me is the power of the elements and my weakness and inability to do much against them when things go pear shaped. I am also reminded once again how dependant I am on all manner of bits of equipment not breaking down. The point is of course I am going to have do another Ocean voyage somewhere, sooner or later so I must just do everything I can to make the boat reliable.

For the time being though I have missed my window of opportunity to get to NZ next week and will have to consult the charts.
And shortly I will turn in and have a BIG sleep!

Sapphire Out

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