Tuesday, November 24, 2009

530 to North Cape

Steady progress but almost all using the "Iron Sail" ie the motor. I have blobs of blutack in my ears. So a quiet 24 hrs metaphorically perhaps but not literally and I have caught up on my sleep. I started motoring about 1030 yesterday, 5 knots at 2000RPM heading slightly south of the direct course hoping to pick up wind that way a bit sooner...

For dinner last night I had boiled rice - like how many billion other people? - and Heinz "Butter Chicken : It'll BUST your hunger with the FASTEST TASTIEST meal around" and it actually was rather tasty and I have some left over for lunch today. A light breeze sprang up late yesterday afternoon and I turned off the motor and had a quite beautiful sail for several hours, including the time when I cooked and ate my dinner - as we lazily and gently rolled through very low soft swells on a glassy grey sea. It was a restoring break from the din of the Kubota. ( Its not actually that noisy but you cant escape it except by sitting up front out on deck - which I do, and its where I have been today reading my next book which is called "A Voyage for Mad Men" - its about the first single nonstop solo round the world yacht race " Nine men set out to race each other round the world. Only one made it back"

This morning the entire sea is glassy and flat in every direction, the sky is covered by thin high cloud and its really quite amazing to look in every direction and see - well just the flat sea!

I got an email from Australian Customs today. It would appear I am an illegal emigrant! Apparently its not enough that Sapphire is registered in NSW - it has to have National Registration - another example of the waste that is entailed in having sperate governments in each state and then a federal system trying to do it all again.( witness "Health") So I might have to come back...yeah right! Actually all they probably want is a form filled in and most importantly a Fee to be collected and I am sure I can arrange that from here.

Speaking of customs, to any travelers who like to show off the Stamps in their Passports, I now have in my Passport one of the very rarest stamps you could ever get - International Departure from Lord Howe Island. There are no international flights or regular shipping that departs Australia from LHI so anyone wanting one needs to be a yachtie.

So all is good here on board and probably by the time you read this I will be closer to NZ than Australia - yes in about 3 hours I reach the halfway point between the two, and I'll be half way across the Ditch. Woohoo...All I need now is a bit of wind - or, as I better start practicing for my landfall, perhaps I should say " A But of Wund"

Sapphire Out

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