And Bob did say unto Anna, "Anna let us go forth even into the tempest and make safe our RIB lest in the fullness of time all will be lost" And he did say also unto Maureen " Maureen we must go forth to save the RIB even unto ourselves and thou also. Wilt thou come?" And Anna did reply " Verily Bob the tempest holds no fear for I am by your side"
And Lo as I beheld did Bob and did Anna and did even Maureen venture forth unto that wild heaving vessel, and wrestled mightily. How mightily did they indeed wrestle taking no heed of themselves, nor did they take heed of the raging tempest though greatly did it howl.
And lo as I looked with a fearful heart, did Bob and did Anna and yay even did Maureen, with a mighty struggle deliver their RIB unto a place of rest and verily a place of safe and tranquil haven, even on the very deck of their own vessel, a vessel of great sanctuary. And Bob and Anna and even Maureen did sigh unto themselves and say " How blessed are we to have saved our RIB from the raging tempest." And they did rest.
But truly did the tempest rage, yay even more so as did I gaze upon my own RIB, sorely. And I cast my eyes to the mountains, even unto Mt Gower and even unto Mt Lidgbird to seek my salvation, even as Bob had sought his salvation; "From whence cometh my salvation? " did I cry? "Who will still the waters of this place that my RIB, as verily was the RIB of Bob my brother and of Anna his wife and even of Maureen, should also be delivered unto a place of safe haven, even onto the very deck of this mine own vessel?. For I am a small man"
And lo, though I knew it not, did St Nicholas hear my supplication, and looketh into my heart, and did take pity on my soul and on my RIB, even as he did unto the heart of Bob my neighbour, and of Anna his wife and even of Maureen. And he spake unto the raging tempest, and lo also did he spake unto the waters that did roughly torment saying "Pitiest thou not my servant,David, the neighbor of Bob a good and upright man, and of Anna his wife and even of Maureen? Hast thou not seen a man smaller and more pitiful, even a man who canst but only cry unto the mountains?"
And lo did the tempest and even the waters take pity on David, for without a neighbor like unto Bob to give him succor or verily a wife like unto Anna or even a friend like unto Maureen to go forth from the vessel of their own unto the vessel of David, surely the RIB of David would descend unto hell. And so verily I say unto you, did the tempest and the waters do unto David that thing he had sought. Truly I say unto you did the tempest and the waters deliver the RIB unto the vessel itself, nay even unto the very place of safety and security, carrying it from the raging sea, taking no heed of safety lines nor of ropes which would entangle, nor even of the pulpit and the forestay which would seek to thwart the will of St Nicholas. Again I say unto you, verily the RIB did ascend unto the heavens,from out of the clutches of the waters and return again unto that very place of tranquil haven and rest upon the vessel of David whereunto did the RIB become surely bound, even by the hand of David. And when David saw it he was sore pleased and did say unto himself " How the fuck did that happen?" (please delete this last line - Editor)
And David, and Bob his neighbor and Anna his wife and yay even Maureen did cry out in wonderment at this thing that was wrought amongst them, saying " This day hath we seen astonishing things, we are sore amazed" And they did give thanks even as the tempest did continue to rage and the waters did continue to fearfully foment saying "This day has become a day of blessing, even a day of miracle as our RIBS which once we feared lost have been found and verily our RIBS been safely delivered unto us. How Blessed are we" And they did rejoice.
Go thou and do likewise.
Sapphire Out
ps RIB = Rigid Inflatable Boat
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