Friday, November 13, 2009


Torrid night with strong wind and rough sea, southerly change came through OK now heading direct for Lord How at 6 knots in 12 to 14 knots from South. Rolling across 1 to 2 metre swell. Had huge headsail sheet entanglement about 1 am sail flapping wildly and shaking the whole boat and I thoughht "No this is not good" So clipped my way forward to untangle mess and wrestle sail, but eventually all OK. Trying to get sleep where I can, forcing myself to keep my fluids and food intake up, HPU but NBO but I felt like it with those dramas last night. At one point my glasses dropped off onto the 10 inches of deck space at the bow, balanced there just long enough for me to grab em back. Cant seem to get the YOTREPS thing to work but will try again. Ive made 100 miles in last 24 hrs and GPS says I could get there on Monday. Sailing along quite nicely at present its more fun outside than here. No whales, no ships no yachts just a few birds and me. This is a huge mental and physical challenge, the boat is fine but I'm feeling tired. Ok back to check the horizon and our heading.

Sapphire out

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1 comment:

Rankine said...

Wow dad sounds like you are battling through some tough conditions, I'm really happy you're going for it!